Founded by Vision, Fueled by Innovation:

Jacquelyn Edwards and the Suite Stop Story

My name is Jacquelyn, and I've proudly held a cosmetology license in Tennessee for over two decades. While my career in the beauty industry has been incredibly fulfilling, a newfound passion recently led me down an entirely unexpected path. In 2021, I had a dream that I believe was a divine calling from the Lord a dream that would give birth to the Suite Stop app.

Having spent over 20 years in this industry, I've witnessed both the triumphs and struggles that come with finding the right job or establishing a space to serve clients. I remember the days of driving all over the city, tirelessly trying to network and make connections with salon owners, often with little to no success. After covering countless miles and spending numerous days in pursuit of this goal, I finally secured my own salon suite. It was a hard-fought victory, and it made me realize that there were others facing similar challenges.

I knew in my heart that the vision the Lord had entrusted to me was a necessary one, as countless women and men in our industry were navigating the same journey. I felt compelled to step out in faith, engage with developers, and invest in creating a solution that could benefit hair stylists and salon owners alike. Today, it still astonishes me that I am the proud owner of an app a journey that I believe was guided by a higher power (God himself). My hope and prayer is that this app will be a blessing to many salon owners and stylists, allowing them to connect, collaborate, and grow together.